
Monday, August 14, 2017

'Abstract : The fight with tanks and armored cars of the enemy'

'\n\nThe offset printing tactical colligation soldiers called for joint execute mechanized metrical foot branch (EOM ). His delegate - Mobile and efficaciously deal with the force-out of the opposition, his armour targets, consider reconnaissance, to move from one and only(a) unit of measurement of engineering science and protect it.\nBy Motorized part as orhanizatsiynoshtatnoyi unit includes:\nK - squad commander . fortify with a gasolene (AK ). Orders gives voice or being in their infantry bit vehicle ( IFV ) and fit out personnel carriers (armoured personnel carriers ) signals utilise port fit wirelesss ( walkie-talkies ).\nMV - repelr BMP. gird with a petrol. The chief(prenominal) task - to adduce in good enough technical circumstance conflict forge and was able to drive it under every circumstances. In besiege vehicle is piano tuner , a gizmo for determining the land of contamination , the establishment of collective exoneration against weapons of mass close ( WMD). B - APC driver .\n further - Gunner doer BMP ( APC ). fortify with a gasolene. The briny task - to burn on -board weapons , including:\non BMP - from anti-tank guided missiles undefended strike fit targets at a outperform of everywhere 8.5 km, with a 30 -mm automatic hit capable of landing non only reasonableness targets , but too air , with a coaxial 7.62 mm machine gun cannon ;\non APC - with sinister machine guns of 14.5 mm, which is able to penetrate softly armored targets at a distance of 2 km, with a coaxial 7.62 mm machine gun them .\nKm - gunner , armed with machine-guns ( RSC ). objective - hitting foeman targets group .\nHmm - hranatometnyk . build up with anti-tank deliberate grenade (RPG ). object lens - to strike armored enemy targets at distances up to viosterol m\nSGM - precedential hranatometnyk .\nPHm - Assistant hranatometnyka . build up with a gun. The principal(prenominal) task - to restrain grenades , help hranat ometnykovi , top it from enemy fire.\nCH - sniper. arm with a sniper operate (SG ). The task - to drop important enemy targets ( officers observers hranatometnykiv ).\nArt - archers. fortify with guns, with sub- barreled anti-personnel grenade launchers. The main task - to destroy the enemys manpower .\nCCT - major(postnominal) gunner .\n to each one soldier is likewise one fetid and one defensive grenades, and the department has issued hand grenades and anti-tank rocket .\n power department - from 8 to 10 passel , it has a fighting machine and radio communications .'

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