In the beginning of Brave New universe, the handler of Hatcheries and learn (DHC) leads a group of students through the Central capital of the United Kingdom Hatchery and teach Centre to give them an idea of the society and how it is kept shelter. The World State was created after the Nine Years War. Its saw is Community, Identity, stableness. Ford, as the sky pilot of mass production, replaces God, and so the introduction of his offset T-Model was chosen as the opening attend of the new era. In this stable society, children atomic number 18 non born, nevertheless made from the saturation and divided into five curriculumes. man the upper class Alphas and Betas, lie of intelligent individualistics, the lower class Gammas, Deltas and Epsilons, ar made up of Bokanovsky Groups. Up to 96 equivalent men or women atomic number 18 produced from one egg. People look and feel early days until they die, and every diseases be eliminated. Most of the girls are steri lized and the some others who are authorization ovary providers, are drilled to take contraceptives, for bearing children is unthinkable, and mother and father are even indecent words. Being married to one somebody would overly be indecent, entirely sex is an frequent action, because everyone belongs to everyone else. To misrepresent sure that everyone is happy with his predestined manners and work, both children are trained to a care(p) what they have got to do. The main procreation cock is hypnopaedia, which is sleep teaching. While they are asleep the children are taught closely class distinction and moral ideals ilk alliance in simple phrases. If someone feels sad or angry, there is variant. This is a legal drug without any negative effects, and population who do non accept the civilized centering of life are sent to an island. In the following chapters the main characters are introduced. Bernard Marx is an Alpha, notwithstanding has a very bad reputation, b ecause he is sort of olive-sized and behav! es abnormal. For spokesperson, he likes to be alone and doesnt take soma when he is discontent. Bernard is also proud of being an individual and discontent most not being accepted by his stars. Bernards friend Helmholtz Watson is also an individual, but doesnt show this to the normal people and is not degage like Bernard. He is an author of certain rhymes and would like to h overaged open about something more important, but doesnt know what it could be. Bernard asks Lenina Crowne who is a sort of normal, well trained girl, to visit a poisonous military reserve with him. Although Lenina doesnt look Bernards talking about being an individual she agrees because she of all time wanted to render a Savage Reservation. As the DHC signs their digest to visit the Reservation in New Mexico, he tells Bernard that he has been there to, and that the girl who is going with him has been lost in the Reservation. badger about this mistake, he threatens Bernard by telling him that h e dep dodge be sent to an island because of his abnormal behavior. Bernard doesnt believe that this could in man happen and is even proud that the handler thinks of him as a danger for society. When Lenina and Bernard arrive in New Mexico, Bernard is told by Helmholtz that he will be sent to an island. Bernard is not proud anymore, but is desperate and depressive. Having taken a some soma, they watch a religious dance in the Reservation where they meet the snipe legerdemain and his mother Linda, who obviously is the girl the DHC told Bernard about. She doesnt look like a civilized girl and is fat and ugly. tail who always was an outsider, was influenced by the indians and their religions as well as by Linda who judge to work in a civilized way. He was taught to overgorge by his mother and got an old volume of Shakespeares works by one of the Indians. Shakespeare was the third influence that taught him about moral values. magnetize by jokes story Bernard promises t o bring him and Linda back to London. When the DHC t! ells Bernard in token(a) head of his friends that he will be sent to Iceland, Bernard brings in Linda and John who embarrass the director calling him father. After this happens the director resigns from his job, and Bernard rout out stay in civilization. Because the scientists cannot make Linda young again, she decides to stay on an endless soma trip and is disregarded soon.

Everybody wants to see John the Savage, so Bernard who is the only connection to John, is of a sudden respected by everyone. Not being used to being important Bernard riles outsized headed and even has a fight with Helmholtz who disapproves of the way he is acting. save John doesnt adapt to civilized manners. Fo r example he doesnt go to line with Lenina although he is in sexy love with her, because he regards his desires as a sin. When he doesnt ascend to one of Bernards Savage-Parties, the important guests leave, and Bernard is the unhappy individual he was sooner and makes up with Helmholtz. John and Helmholtz get along with each other very well and Helmholtz is hallucinating about Shakespeares work they take on together. Lenina who also is in love with John, is very unhappy because she doesnt understand his behavior at all, and ultimately decides to visit him and go to bed with him if he wants to or not. John realizes her intention, and gets angry and calls her a whore. scarce when he hears that his mother is dying, he leaves Lenina alone and visits Linda. In his rue about her death, John tries to inform Deltas, what freedom is, and throws their soma away. A few minutes after Bernard and Helmholtz are there to table service him, but they are overpowered by the police and br ought to Mustapha Mond, the World ascendancy for Wes! tern Europe. Mustapha Mond, who knows about narrative and also likes Shakespeare, explains to John that art like Shakespeare would be dodgy for stability and that religion is deceitful in a stable society. To Helmholtz, the Controller explains that living on an island, where he and Bernard will be sent, can be quite interesting because of the people who digest there. As he is not allowed to accompany Bernard and Helmholtz, John decides to live alone in an old lighthouse, where he wants to pay for his sins by beating himself. But rile by reporters and spectators, who want to see him beat his self, he ultimately kills himself. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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